🆕 Can I use regional API endpoints?

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With DocuGenerate’s multi-region processing feature, you can now use regional API endpoints to ensure that your templates and documents are processed in the region of your choice. This feature enables you to meet local data regulations (such as GDPR compliance), reduce latency for global users, and optimize performance by selecting the closest data center to your operations.

Available Regional Endpoints

DocuGenerate offers several regional endpoints:

How to Use Regional Endpoints

When making API requests, simply replace the default API URL with the regional endpoint URL for your desired location. For example, if you’re currently using the default US endpoint, your request for generating documents calls the following endpoint:

POST https://api.docugenerate.com/v1/documents

Switching from the US endpoint to the European one would require calling this URL instead:

POST https://api.eu.docugenerate.com/v1/documents

The rest of the API request, including headers and body, remains unchanged. This allows you to easily integrate regional processing into your existing workflow and ensure that all requests are processed within a specific region.

Using regional endpoints is a powerful way to optimize performance and comply with data regulations. Selecting the right endpoint ensures that your templates and documents are processed in the most efficient and compliant way possible.