Integrating with Pipedream

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We’re excited to announce that an integration with Pipedream is currently under consideration.

While this integration is not yet available, you can help us prioritize which integrations to develop next by voting up your preferred platforms. If you want to use DocuGenerate from Pipedream don’t hesitate to give it your vote 🗳️

In the meantime, you can still leverage our services by calling the DocuGenerate API directly. Pipedream provides the ability to make HTTP calls, which means you can integrate with our API to automate document generation without waiting.

There is a DocuGenerate app available on Pipedream, but it’s important to note that this is not the official app developed by DocuGenerate. As such, it doesn’t access all the supported methods and functionalities provided by DocuGenerate’s API. For example, it lacks the capability to generate a document directly.

We appreciate your feedback and support as we continue to expand our integrations to serve you better. Stay tuned for updates on this integration!